Puppy Checks & Vaccinations
Pups should be vaccinated from 6 weeks of age , receiving a second vaccine four weeks after the first shot. All pups vaccinated at PETCARE VETS can avail of our free monthly pup check up to six months old. Weight gain is monitored and appropriate care for your pup discussed such as diet, worm and flea treatments, basic training and socialisation. Every pup is born with a heavy worm infestation and should be wormed monthly to six months of age in order to minimise risk to human family members as well as optimising the health of the growing dog.
By law all dogs need to be microchipped. This is carried out by way of injection into the “scruff”. No sedation or anaesthetic is required. Swimming, grooming and shampooing must be restricted for three days post microchipping, as well as application of any topical products.
Cats will also tolerate being microchipped very well and it is a great way to ensure a special family cat can be traced.
Dentistry and Dental X-ray
At PETCARE VETS we are dedicated to improving the welfare of pet animals and educating pet people about the best care for their animals. Dental disease is a huge welfare issue in pet animals, from rabbits to cats to the biggest of dogs.It is thought 85% of cats aged three years and older have some sort of dental disease(icatcare.org). Dental disease, as with humans can cause severe facial pain, which is not easy to detect, especially in cats and rabbits.
Dental problems can be diet, breed or age related. We are happy to advise how to maintain good oral health of your pets from tooth brushing, to prescription diet to descaling as appropriate.
Here at PETCARE VETS we have invested in a top of the range dental suite, complete with dental imaging. This ensures the safest, fasted removal of diseased teeth by allowing us to see below the gumline. It also ensures that any hidden sources of pain or future problems can be detected within the jaw.
*All dental work requires a full general anaesthetic in pet animals in order to minimise stress, allow access to the mouth and provide adequate pain relief.
Consultations are by appointment. We have morning and afternoon to evening slots with late opening every Thursday to 8pm. Please phone 012870321 if you are concerned about your pet or for routine check ups. Fees are displayed clearly in reception.
Meet & Greet
We encourage you to bring your pet into the vets when they are healthy, to ensure they may have some completely positive experiences with us, as in, no injections required! This can be a very effective way of mimimising stress to pets while at the vets working particularly well for young kittens and pups but can be used for adult pets also. For this appointment your pet receives a full health check, all your questions are answered and a plan is made for ongoing care of your pet with estimates given, the cost of this is €59 for a 15 minute appointment, pets up to 16 weeks will have a longer 30 minute appointment made available to them for no extra charge.
Flea & Worming Treatments
PETCARE VETS are dedicated to a high standard of service. As such we will only stock the most effective & safest anti-parasite treatments for your pet. These products will come with full advice and a tailored parasite prevention regime to ensure your pets protection from tapeworm, roundworm, lungworm,fleas and ticks, according to their lifestyle. This will ensure your pets health and welfare is protected as well as that of your family. We ensure that you know exactly what you are buying and using to treat your beloved pets. All cats and dogs are at risk of worm and flea infestation and as such should be treated regularly according to your vets advice. Phone 012870321 for more information on the best treatments for your pet and family lifestyle.